Life is good...
Last night we read The Turtle from Cynthia Rylant's lighthouse series. In it we learned that sea turtles cannot retreat inside their shells (Who knew?) so today we went to the library in search of more turtle facts.
Before that I tackled my closet. I have about 10 times more clothes than I thought and most of them are going into a giant plastic tub for repurposing.
I also found boxes of decorations for 7 different holidays as I excavated a path to the attic. All 4 kids stood on a big tub to peer into the mysterious attic and there was much discussion about the words "above" and "between."
Then the kids took all the suitcases they found (also in my closet) and packed 2 weeks worth of clothes, shoes, and stuffed animals for a "camping trip" they set up in the family room.
When the trip wrapped up we went to farmer's market and danced to the music of 3 fiddles and a banjo.