Sunday, June 21, 2009

birthday aftermath

Had breakfast at Bubby's, hit the JCC playground, napped the hot afternoon away. Then made and decorated cupcakes and enjoyed them at Selby park.

Scarlie's 5th birthday. Georgia made the mouse drawing for her and wrote her name on the envelopes. Scarlett drew the flower.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Georgia is absolutely killing me with her self portraits. This one is by far my favorite yet. 
Sc & Z hamming it up at snacktime
Had to be at least 90 degrees at pride, so we cooled off with the hose and made "mud soup" in a little trough when we got home. Better pride pix on my facebook page (Thanks Jennifer!)


Thursday, June 18, 2009

I love when the kids' play reflects what they're learning about the world. This is one of many dinosaur installations I've found since the Cinti trip

Summer Eating-YUM!

Monday, June 15, 2009

No A/C on the drive home. Kids stripped down to their underpants and passed out from exhaustion

animatronic dinosaur show at the Cincinnati Museum Center. Kids also saw their first IMAX show. In the last pic we were touching real, fossilized dinosaur poop-a highlight!
kids also played at the penny well for, like, 30 minutes. Super Safta gave them a roll of 50 pennies.

Parky's farm and playbarn. Last 2 pix are the "compost monster" the sign says "pick up food scraps and throw them through the mouth of the compost monster!" and a kid habitrail of sorts, a mesh enclosure that vines are growing on-too cool

Parky's farm, Cincinnati

A few irresistable outtakes. Girls went to a bday party where they drank lemonade -tea party style-from these cups and saucers and then brought them home filled with dirt and flower seeds as the party favor-go Xali!!!
Stella teaching the little girls to play solitaire
Scarlett being a ham at Shaula's party

Scarlett fixing us a canteloupe snack, and everyone painting bricks...we're painting everything these days