Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rainy day of apples and ice cream in Utica, Ohio

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday night's wonder kids!!!
I was sooo not feeling the Ema thing friday night and then while I was cutting pineapple Scarlett climbed a step stool in my closet, brought down tablecloths, wiped down all the chairs, they were all singing "Bim Bam" and it was warm and wonderful. I pulled together a soup out of all sorts of composting vegetables in the fridge and we had soft warm naan with butter...mmm...then after bedtime business was done we made homemade granola!

I love this woman!

my favorite little cake in the decorating contest
Zeke observing a moon rock in the Nasa exhibit

The picture of G and S with their firecracker pigtails and ice cream may be my favorite picture of the whole summer.
The kids got super into milking the pretend cow-especially Zeke
Scarlett got to pet a newborn calf named "Scarlett"
kids practiced grinding wheat berries by mortar and pestle, hand grinder, and various other methods
Stella experimenting with how wool can hold more weight once it's spun

I finally got enough of the Ohio State Fair this year, I was completely saturated in fair-i-tude. We spent the whole first day of the fair exploring the natural resources park-fabulous!

Marmon Valley Farm-got to be the cheapest entertainment in the country!

Ohio Bird Sanctuary

Does it get any cuter???

blueberry picking near Mansfield. Kids brought their own metal pails because they wanted to hear the "Kerplink, kerplank, kerplunk" that they know so well from "Blueberries for Sal."

kids imitating the log-rolling show, trying out the rides and waiting to catch candy in the parade at the Lexington Blueberry Festival. Saw my 1st tractor pull there-I didn't really get it...