Sunday, November 8, 2009

Like I said, these little morsels make their own fun anywhere! We went to the Jewish bookfair and Scarlett immediately spotted a book of aleph-bet yoga poses. (She loves yoga poses) The foursome went straight through to Tav before looking up again. Then we read and read and read then Bubby bought us everything we wanted for an early Channukah gift and fed us lunch! Then off to the playground! Very funny book about Tushies that I want to give every kid I know!
I fed this little superhero a plate piled high with pancakes and then took him out in public in this outfit. Who doesn't feel safer with a man in tights?

AlpacaFest 2009 (admission is FREE!)
Those 2 white Alpacas are not freakishly huge-it's a photo
The John Deer display was a huge hit
Stella's been trained right-She saw those felted acorns and said "we can make those!"
luscious, luscious, hand-dyed alpaca wool

I continue to marvel at how these little Friedlets make everything fun. We were for sure the only non-alpaca breeders at the show, but we petted, and we worked the John Deer display, and we felt the different wools and display and-perhaps most exciting of all-Ema found $3 in the little zipper pocket of my bag and bought us a medium fry to share. That meant everyone got a turn with the ketchup pump and those little paper cups!

Craftaliciousness: So sometime before the next rain I'm planning to have the little ones collect a bowl of acorns from the front yard. We're going to felt some little balls of colored roving and glue acorn caps on (as seen above) Also planning to dip some whole acorns in glue and then glitter! WooHoo!!!!!!

Sometimes I'm downloading photos from the camera and it's clear the kids have had a little photo session without my knowledge...I love to see what they capture!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Visitor from the North!
Conveniently, I was doing some food prep in front of a new (to me!) Canadian friend when she was kind enough to demonstrate how they do it up there-hulling effortlessly with a teaspoon. Who knew? I promise it's ridiculously easy!
spontaneous autumn afternoon trip to Hocking Hills followed by taste-testing 5 flavors of Jeni's ice cream-divine!

Sunday morning visit to the Franklin Park Conservatory. We never have enough time there-there is so much to see and do! Since our last visit they've built an 8 acre outdoor complex with indoor and outdoor kitchens and multiple gardens! We made pizza and cooked it in an 800 degree outdoor oven-it was done in 90 seconds. Then we tasted freshly made apple cider and apple chutney in the indoor kitchen. There is even a new apiary-so much to go back and explore! Oh, and yes, Scarlett wears all that crap in her daily-sometimes even sleeping in it-and the girls do hog the camera, I've got to be more conscious about capturing the little man in action...

Stella has been eager to operate the stove on her own so she mixed up and fried and flipped this Sunday's pancake breakfast. Note the world's tiniest pancake :)

We were having a very putzy afternoon/evening this past weekend during which Zeke got busy and created this whole Solar System on his own. His drawing and scissor skills are taking off! Here the girls are celebrating after hanging the planets to Zeke's specifications. How did I not get a photo of the little artist himself?

These little ladies completed their Shabbat unit in school, then came home and set this beautiful table and proudly led us in the brachot!

Halloween 2009! 3 cheerleaders and a ninja...we picked up a black kittie and a frog (our neighbors) along the way. I especially like this last action shot of Ruff-Ruff riding in the candy bucket :)