Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm back in business with a new camera! Enjoy my pics!
Each child at CJDS has her or his own special spot in the woods behind the school. This is Scarlett's spot.

oops-some of these got turned!

oops-some of these got turned!

Stella's Chumash Ceremony!

Zeke carving his first pumpkin with his classmate Maxine and with Keevyn

Halloween party at the Worthington Rec. Center. The kids had 12 seconds to dig for candy in the hay. Scarlett was very focused on her bead stringing and Zeke won the biggest pumpkin in the Pumkin Walk

Open house in Zeke's classroom

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ahhg! I'm gonna go freakin' batty if I can't find my camera soon! Lots of cell phone pictures to send over and post. This week's highlights:

Camping in 30 degree weather

coughing and sneezing (no relation to camping trip :))

Georgia and Scarlett learning their Hebrew names and reading and re-reading their "all about me books"- precious

Wondering how I thought I could work full time and parent 4 turkey-butted kids, but loving it most of the time

Recovery from Jewish holiday-athon-oops the sukkah's still up and all the decorations are wet

Stella studying North Africa-She's so bright and delightful

Zeke walking in to school on his own with his gigantic coat and backpack

Already getting crafty for Thanksgiving and Channukah-2 groovy, trendy, craft fairs this weekend to inspire me

Oh, and more getting to know my GF and her rockin' kid takes the chill off this fall weather!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friday night's middle eastern feast and camel rides at temple israel
current state of cupboard

Oy I was a terrible photographer last night! New camera, very dark out, and I don't know what to do with most of the buttons. So you'll just have to imagine it...Our sukkah looks more beautiful than ever! and it was so fun decorating it with friends. The past 5 years I've decorated it myself. wobbling on a bench and craning my neck and then had people over to enjoy it. It was so special to decorate it together this year. Then Avram had the idea to connect a bunch of extension cords and take a lamp out to it. It was a warm and cozy little living room for visiting in. Speaking of not reading directions, I tried to wing a recipe for my new soft-serve machine. It tasted good, but had the consistency of water. I have my reading set out for me this week.

We also saw the children's theater production of The Wizard of Oz yesterday. Costumes were phenomenal and Friedlets were precious to watch!

This messy divorce is driving absolutely nutso, but one of my coping techniques is to keep cleaning, organizing, and purging my house...hoping and praying that someday it's MY house, it will be a heck of a lot cleaner, emptier, and more organized. Today's task is emptying, wiping out, and consolidating all the snacks and ingredients in my cupboards.