Sunday, March 15, 2009

How relevant is that sign? I mean that's where I wake up every morning-right at the intersection of fear and hope. That sign has been part of the "Progress" exhibit at COSI for as long as I can remember, but I really noticed it for the first time today. Speaking of COSI, Scarlett gets soooo serious when she is pretending, it's fascinating to watch. They all got so in to serving me "ice cream" in the 1950's dinner.

I finally had a hit at snack time. I've been uninspired and striking out on my packed family meals lately, but Zeke has been into "ants on a log" that he learned to make at school. I packed the "logs" in one container and the "ants" in separate one for on-site assembly and they were devoured. (recently we were out of celery and Zeke made these with carrots-even better IMO)

Anyway, COSI has a frog exhibit right now and we had great fun spotting them all in their habitats. In the space exhibit I happened to read a sign saying the sun will burn itself out in about 500 million years. Did I just store that bit of info away somewhere after 7th grade? That thought's got me right back at the corner of Fear and Hope.

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