Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stella has been asking about making a "nature table" for a couple of years now. She wants to look at bugs and "things that wilt." I want a place for the collections of acorns and pine cones and wilty things. So I'd been brewing about where/how to set up the thing and while we were checking out the butterflies at the conservatory this morning, Janine set the whole thing up-which was perfect because I bought a butterfly habitat and had all sorts of ideas for said table by the time we got home. That teeny brown speck in the side of the clear container is "Daisy Katie" who with proper care, will be a painted lady butterfly in about 3 weeks. On the way home Georgia held Daisy's little cup and cooed "Oh Daisy Katie, oh my precious, my little honey." The habitat came with a coupon for 3 more little caterpillars to come in the mail. We set up the table with butterfly books and rubber stamps and all the little plastic caterpillars and butterflies I found around the house and all the potted plants that have come home from various schools lately-then found some great free printable butterfly coloring pages on line and we have a new little nook.
Which is even more perfect Stella's request, I'm planning an Eric Carle unit for spring break. The kids can't figure out how he does those illustrations. Even though I've explained it several times they can't fathom the separate steps of painting and collage. I printed a whole bunch of factoids from his website, reserved all his best work from the library, and found a video showing how he creates  his art. I also reserved a collection of his favorite children's stories and some other books about illustration. We'll be painting and cutting and gluing, and maybe making up our own stories while our own very hungry caterpillar is storing up energy for her transformation.

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